10 July 2007

The blinkers of education (Poem)

I undertake these writings – and the sharing of them – for the sake of my self expression. I am under no particular illusions as to their literary merit, and ask only that any readers do not have any undue expectations. If you consider me wrong, then publish me – with full credit, of course :)

Please also note that I check only occasionally for comments, so if you make any, please be patient.

Kayleen White

The blinkers of education

They do not see,
In those good ol’ blinkers
They who look ahead,
Straight and true,
And see naught but
the glint and gleam
of the gold.

They do not see,
In those good ol’ blinkers,
Though they know not,
they see not,
That their brand new shiny blinkers,
Are but an old toy,
In new guise,
With new name;
- we’ll save the taxpayers’ money,
say the …ists,
and call it something new,
economic rationalism.

They do not see,
In those good ol’ blinkers,
Of the fall of Rome,
The social decay,
the loss of social order,
that comes when promoting the sovereign realm’s coin
above the soul’s richness,
the striving of the down trodden,
to better their lot,
the old and passen by,
to know more
of the world they have seem so much of
for the growth and nourishment
of their soul
ere ‘tis goes back to
the great wherever.

© Kayleen White 2007

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