25 December 2023

A persistence project: bullies - a Rangers of the Inner Plane Story

The first signs of something ... odd came during a routine patrol. Tara had noticed some unbalanced energies (fear and resentment) coming from about a kilometre north of where she had been working one night. Three other patrols had noticed those energies, along with vengefulness and what seemed almost sadistic, and their perceptions of distance and direction had enabled the problem location to be tentatively identified as a block of office buildings. 

Tonight Captain Casz had called a meeting of our Squadron platoon leaderships to discuss what had been identified. Most were dialling in, but some - including myself and my XO - were at her and Bills home. 

She quickly ran through the recent events, and then let us all ask questions and throw around ideas until we were all satisfied that we had examined every reasonable aspect (and a few less reasonable - including one cheeky suggestion that provoked outright laughter) of what could be happening, and the range of responses we could consider. 

We all were inclined to agree on needing more information was needed, so Casz set up a rotating system of watches to start gathering more information. 

Four days later we knew the problem was actively occurring during normal office work hours, so the watch was limited to those times. 

One week later we had identified the specific building and floors, and were starting to identify the people and actual events. 

Greg was the first to start honing in on specifics. 

“It looks like theres a group of three on the fourth floor who controlling a couple of people on the third floor, and those two are causing pretty strong unbalanced reactions in a varying group on the second floor, typically around half a dozen people.” 

Bill asked “Do we know how many floors that company occupies in the building?” 

Greg shook his head, but Sharlot spoke up: “I’ve looked the building up, and there is one company on the first to fourth floors - consultants.” 

We shared our collective life experiences, and decided the fourth floor was probably senior management and client meeting rooms, third was probably mid-level management, second professionals and admin staff on the first floor. 

“Ground floor?” asked Graham. 

“Shops - cafes and tourist traps”, replied Sharlot.

“OK”, Casz decided, “we need to hone in one people. Were not all available, and of those who are, its me, Luce, Lt. Tony and Ranger Tony, and Myla who have the skills to do this safely.” 

“You need to watch your energy, love”, Bill pointed out. 

Casz nodded, and turned to me: “Myla, I want you to take the lead on this. Up to it?” 

I thought for a moment, and then nodded: “Yep, happy to have a go.” 

“Good. Can you four work something out over the weekend, and then well get started next week.”

All of us had time and energy on Sunday afternoon, so we met for a cuppa and social chat at a local cafĂ©, and then went back to Luces home to talk about the mission. 

Ranger Tony started: “Any suggestions about separating the energies of these people from the psychic soup?” 

We had all had basic training on doing that, but Tony had raised a good point: there was a lot going on in a lot of places. 

A thought popped into my head: “Actually, I could ask Sarah, as an artificer, to see if she could come up with something.” 

We all agreed on that, and also on having three people spread around the building when we could (which would not be all the time - we all had everyday lives, but the Rangers as an organisation emphasised respecting everyday life activities, so there would be no criticism for not being perfect at observing). With that arrangement, we could more or less triangulate energy flows, and, with a little telepathic coordination, narrow down which energies were associated with which people.

Trying to work out a way of identifying people was harder, and eventually Luce summarised the problem and response as “well, well just have to see how we go and come up with identifiers when we see whats there.” 

Satisfied, and with an initial schedule, we ended the meeting, and I went home to ring Sarah, and then Casz. 

Sarah had an astral crystal that could colour code energies - which would make our work incalculably easier, and Casz approved proceeding with the plan.

We started two days later. 

It took a couple of days to get the bugs ironed out in our systems, but then we started to get some useful information on the Friday. 

Lt. Tony thought to myself and Ranger Tony: Look, Goose and Donkey are meeting with people on the fourth floor - a manager, and a couple from admin - and thats anger theyre flooding themselves with.

Gooses energy tended to ... honk, and Donkeys tended to sort of bray. 

Ranger Tony identified the (auras of the) admin people as having a mix of fear and irritation, and I could see the manager was feeling a sort of ... arrogant bureaucratic pride ...

Kelly tuned in just then. Wed gone over the ethical aspects of this with her (that was one of her formal roles - to be our group conscience), and agreed she would pop in from time to time to make sure we were respecting the privacy of those we were observing - in their public workplaces. When we gave her an update, she commented This could be a review of KPIs - probably management being unhappy about the numbers admin has reported for those two. Hang on, I was just in touch with Bill, and he could clarify that for me. 

A minute or so later, she reported that the time of year was wrong for KPIs, so it was probably project performance related. 

We didnt know it, but she and Bill had just identified the key to what was going on: at the time, we cared more that she was satisfied we were maintaining privacy barriers. 

The next week added to our understanding of what was happening. 

Goose, Donkey and Camel were the three mid-level managers, who were being aggravated by Lizard, the only consistently concerning of the three managers, and they were taking their frustrations out on three workers we called Gazelle, Lion, and Silverback.

The exact mechanisms werent clear, but the energetic damage being caused was, so it was time for another conference. 

I led the reporting, with all of us answering questions, and Kelly confirming our actions had complied with expectations around being ethical. 

That was something which could be difficult at times, as situations of people making a free will choice that was harmful, but not connected to any external psychic influence, were outside the Rangers purposes. 

As it happened, Brigadier Daniel was present at the meeting, and he had seen the energetic patterns from events in his life, and was able to explain the situation further. 

Gazelle, Lion, and Silverback were being gaslit and overworked by their managers after at least two of them had resisted unethical orders, and one appeared to be at risk of being set up for something that could cost them their job.

At this point, Colonel Belinda was brought in, and she, Daniel and Casz took on some high level psychic work. We weren't directly involved, but Casz told us later that this involved having our advanced skill level seers (working in different places, independently, and at different times, using different methods) connecting with the Higher Selves of all involved, the Guides of Gazelle, Lion, and Silverback, and several Deities to check for any possible unforeseen consequences, as well as getting permission to act from the Guides and/or Higher Selves of those involved.

In around one in four of these types of operations, that permission was not given, or not given adequately enough, to proceed - which could be upsetting, but that was a frustration that we were trained to work through as part of respecting free will. 

In this case, permission came through, along with divination suggesting there would be no unforeseen consequences. 

And while that was being worked on, which took a couple of weeks, we were identifying specific energetic units - links, nonphysical objects, connections, even three earthbound entities who had been trapped by Goose to feed his anger and hate, which he was using to drown out his guilt and fear. 

Eventually we had a plan, which was built around boosting the connection of Gazelle, Lion, and Silverback to their Guides and Higher selves, which, combined with removing unbalanced energies and strengthening balancing energies, would boost their confidence and calmness under pressure, removing the nonBPM defences that Goose, Donkey and Camel were using, which would lead to arguments and disunity, and nudging the awareness of another Manager, who we called Giraffe, who was in a position to see what was being done. 

Even better, we had approval for this to proceed - but this was not going to be a quick, single event operation: no, we spent the best part of three months working at this. 

The plan changed a little along the way: we brought in healers to work on Gazelle, Lion, and Silverback - especially over the weekends, and we extended the plan to include the admin people with Goose, Donkey and Camel. 

The units that we were working changed over time changed, and thus the plan needed constant adaptation. 

At least we had the rest of the Squadron to help - and even a few other people from Belinda, and some healers and more seers from Daniel.

We know we stopped a major event, one that could have involved suicides, but we werent entirely successful. 

Goose decided to take early retirement, but Donkey and Camel received no more than a slap on the wrists - but they stopped abusing Gazelle, Lion, and Silverback. Giraffe started keeping an eye on Lizard, but, as Daniel said, that watchfulness and the resultant good behaviour may decline over the years, but we were needed elsewhere. 

Gazelle, Lion, and Silverback all left, which appears to have been when admin decided to get bloody-minded over some trivialities as a petty revenge. Daniels team, however, we able to guide all three to better opportunities.

And Luce, Lt. Tony and Ranger Tony, and I all were given a few months off to rest and recover. 


If you liked this story, you can find past Rangers of the Inner Plane stories at: 

Please note that these stories are being beltedd out to illustrate points/aspects of the sort of psychic work my main blog is about. If I had the time and energy, I would improve the storytelling and writing, but I have neither, unfortunately (despite being retired).










Copyright © Kayleen White, 2007 - 2023 (where this date is different to the year of publication, it is because I did the post some time ago and then used the scheduling feature to delay publication). I take these photographs and undertake these writings – and the sharing of them – for the sake of my self expression. I am under no particular illusions as to their literary or artistic merit, and ask only that any readers do not have any undue expectations. If you consider me wrong, then publish me – with full credit and due financial recompense, of course :) 

NO AI   I do not consent to any machine learning aka Artificial Intelligence (AI), generative AI, large language model, machine learning, chatbot, or other automated analysis, generative process, or replication program to reproduce, mimic, remix, summarise, or otherwise  replicate any part of this post or other posts on this blog via any means. Typos may be inserrted deliberately to demonstrate this is not an AI product.     Otherwise, fair and reasonable use is accepted under Creative Commons 4.0 on an Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike basis   https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/  

20 December 2023

Solstice comes

Warm and gentle
the good sun is
ere summer's later sting. 

Cool the breeze
- brisk, not cold,
playing a tune
on violins of leaf and tree. 

The birds call
- notes bright or brash
against children's calls of play. 

Solstice comes.

Copyright © Kayleen White, 2023 (where this date is different to the year of publication, it is because I did the post some time ago and then used the scheduling feature to delay publication). I take these photographs and undertake these writings – and the sharing of them – for the sake of my self expression. I am under no particular illusions as to their literary or artistic merit, and ask only that any readers do not have any undue expectations. If you consider me wrong, then publish me – with full credit and due financial recompense, of course :) 

NO AI   I do not consent to any machine learning aka Artificial Intelligence (AI), generative AI, large language model, machine learning, chatbot, or other automated analysis, generative process, or replication program to reproduce, mimic, remix, summarise, or otherwise  replicate any part of this post or other posts on this blog via any means.     Otherwise, fair and reasonable use is accepted under Creative Commons 4.0 on an Attribution-ShareAlike basis https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/