07 December 2021

The Sky Will Not Fall Down

Young, was I
listening, watching,
of a distant man
- an angry man,
- he and his
better dead than red . . .
and yet they passed:
the sky held firm, it did not fall
the sky did not fall,
and their minds
creaked anew
to a broader world,
a better, more tolerant world.

May it happen again
to those who now
hate and fear
and rant and rave
and threaten - again.
May they come to see
as we will thrive
that sky will not fall.

Copyright © Kayleen White, 2021 (where this date is different to the year of publication, it is because I did the post some time ago and then used the scheduling feature to delay publication) I take these photographs and undertake these writings – and the sharing of them – for the sake of my self expression. I am under no particular illusions as to their literary or artistic merit, and ask only that any readers do not have any undue expectations. If you consider me wrong, then publish me – with full credit and due financial recompense, of course :)

04 December 2021

"Thinking" in the Age of Conspiracy

A thought here,
a thought there,
a thought everywhere 

Join the thoughts
- dots on a puzzle,
Join the thoughts,
what lays there? 

A thought here,
weird thought there
- who cares why
Join the thoughts,
I'll be wise. 

Weird weird here,
twist twist there,
- I don't care
I'll feel wise.

Copyright © Kayleen White, 2021 (where this date is different to the year of publication, it is because I did the post some time ago and then used the scheduling feature to delay publication) I take these photographs and undertake these writings – and the sharing of them – for the sake of my self expression. I am under no particular illusions as to their literary or artistic merit, and ask only that any readers do not have any undue expectations. If you consider me wrong, then publish me – with full credit and due financial recompense, of course :)