15 February 2024

From divination - A Rangers of the Inner Plane Story

Meredith was our diviner. She was good with a wide range of systems - various Tarot decks, geomancy, but dowsing was her particular speciality.

She loved dowsing, which she was using in a quiet corner of the room. 

Where she was frowning. 

Brenda was visiting, and in the midst of quiet laughter with several of us, she noticed. 

Maybe that was the enhanced sensitivity of being an Agent of Bast ... or something she had picked up from the cats - current and past - in her life, some owned by her, many she just met while out and about - physically, and in the nonphysical. 

“Hey, Mer.” 

“Er, yeah, um, hey Brenda.” 

“You seem ... perplexed?” 

“Worried, actually.” 

“Yeah, I thought Id be nice and soften the vibe.”

Mer grinned, and asked “Is Casz about?” 

“Im just getting here”, Casz interjected. “Looked like something was going on.”

Mer nodded: “About three clicks west of here, Ive found some major unbalancing energy - nothing else, just energy - coming from about the second or third astral level.” 

Casz narrower her eyes in concentration: “Nothing on cause?” 

Mer shook her head and looked even more worried: “Nothing I can find. Maybe one of th-”

 “No, Mer”, Casz smiled, “Your work is fine, and we trust you. We dont need to get others in to help.” 

Mer blushed slightly at the praise. 

Casz looked around the room, frowning slightly in concentration. 

Reaching a decision, she called the members of two Triangles over, and outlined what Mer had found. 

“Greg, I want you, Paul and Sally to float over to where Mer tells you, and set up dispersing shields on the first astral and upper etheric. Nothing stronger, at this time - we dont know that theres anything malicious in it.” 

We had started using float as an in joke for astral travel.

Greg and his team nodded. 

“Ann, I want you, Marty and Ivan to head up to second and third astral, and find out what is going on.” 

They nodded, and both teams went to find a spare room they could eaach work in.

Casz and Bill quickly organised the rest of us into protection and local patrol work, and called another of our healers to come over to look after us while working and afterwards. 

Then it was a case of just waiting. 

Half an hour later, we were all back and grounded, and we regrouped to hear the reports. 

Gregs team were brief - it wasnt a difficult task, but Ann had a longer report. 

Some international physical world events that had made the news had led to reactions locally, and one of those had created a cloud of despair and anger that had - unintentionally - found a weaker part of the astral, pouring into it like water going through a breached dam. 

We werent set up to work on world events, although many of our members were activists in their everyday lives, but we could do something about the energy. 

Mer warned us not to directly influence the group, as the energy was something that group could use as a driving force for constructive physical world action, but Gregs team was strengthened with Cons Triangle, and they were given the task of a dispersal shield to protect neighbours.

Ann’s team was strengthened with Tara’s Triangle, and tasked with a dispersal shield at the head of the breach into the astral. 

The rest of us tuned in to every source of balanced/balancing and BPM strengthening energy we could find, to see if they could spare any energy, and if so, for how long. 

An hour later, we had promises of energy, a few percent here, a few percent there, that would meet most of the energy needs we were looking for over the next fortnight. 

The joy was sobered by the slight gap, so I spoke up. 

“We can rotate filling that extra bit.”

A relieved Casz replied “Thank you.” 

And then we set to work. 

In principle, the first stage was to fill the gap, in a sense - if a breached dam has the same level of water upstream and down, water won’t flow, so the energy we were being given was going to flood the low energy astral zone. 

Once that was done, we were repair the weakened connection to the physical - a bit like reweaving a jacket to fix a hole.

That was also being done primarily using the donated energy - but all the sources had to do was feed into astral thought forms of crystals that we had created, which also had links we could use to direct the energy to where it was needed. 

Another hour of work, and it was up and running. 

A few of us would check the energy flows, and make changes when they were needed, but another fortnight and we would be ready to check that it had all worked as planned. 



If you liked this story, you can find past Rangers of the Inner Plane stories at: 

Please note that these stories are being belted out to illustrate points/aspects of the sort of psychic work my main blog is about. If I had the time and energy, I would improve the storytelling and writing, but I have neither, unfortunately (despite being retired).










Copyright © Kayleen White, 2007 - 2024 (where this date is different to the year of publication, it is because I did the post some time ago and then used the scheduling feature to delay publication). I take these photographs and undertake these writings – and the sharing of them – for the sake of my self expression. I am under no particular illusions as to their literary or artistic merit, and ask only that any readers do not have any undue expectations. If you consider me wrong, then publish me – with full credit and due financial recompense, of course :) 

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