17 August 2015

[Content Warning] The Pain of the World

To the sensitive
- the psychic, the medium,
the pain of the world ...
well, tis a real thing
- a constant pain, a niggle
the savagery of pain
of hunger and thirst,
of poverty and despair,
dulled by distance
and the soup
of other life energies
to that of an aching tooth.

To the others
the poisoned tooth's
still there,
but dulled to oblivion
by shields of denial. 

Copyright © Kayleen White, 2015 (where this date is different to the year of publication, it is because I did the post some time ago and then used the scheduling feature to delay publication) I take these photographs and undertake these writings – and the sharing of them – for the sake of my self expression. I am under no particular illusions as to their literary or artistic merit, and ask only that any readers do not have any undue expectations. If you consider me wrong, then publish me – with full credit and due financial recompense, of course :)

05 August 2015

[Content Warning] I made a mistake

I made a mistake,
near a score of years ago,
when I let society tell me 
which way I should go.
Now I have sacrificed
all that was good in me,
 - gone
on the altar of conformance.
Better, would have been,
to drown offshore
before I came ashore.

Copyright © Kayleen White, 2015 (where this date is different to the year of publication, it is because I did the post some time ago and then used the scheduling feature to delay publication) I take these photographs and undertake these writings – and the sharing of them – for the sake of my self expression. I am under no particular illusions as to their literary or artistic merit, and ask only that any readers do not have any undue expectations. If you consider me wrong, then publish me – with full credit and due financial recompense, of course :)